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Manager Instructional Technology at George Washington University

If you are an expert in dig­i­tal media, video and stu­dio pro­duc­tion and want to work at a top 5% uni­ver­si­ty than you may want to learn more about the Man­ag­er Instruc­tion­al Tech­nol­o­gy oppor­tu­ni­ty.

You can apply for the job here: Man­ag­er Instruc­tion­al Technology

“Whether you want to fol­low in the foot­steps of giants or forge a new path, this is the place to start.”

Found­ed in 1821 and char­tered by the Unit­ed States Con­gress, George Wash­ing­ton Uni­ver­si­ty is locat­ed in the cap­i­tal of the Unit­ed States.  The Uni­ver­si­ty is focused on five strate­gic ini­tia­tives that will guide the university’s efforts over the next sev­er­al years; stu­dent expe­ri­ence, research, Phil­an­thropy & Con­stituent Engage­ment, Med­ical Enter­prise and Insti­tu­tion­al Culture.

The Man­ag­er Instruc­tion­al Tech­nol­o­gy role will have a dual-report­ing struc­ture into both the School of Media and Pub­lic Affairs’ (SMPA) admin­is­tra­tion and the Columbian Col­lege Office of Tech­nol­o­gy Ser­vices (OTS).

The School of Media and Pub­lic Affairs (SMPA) is a trail­blaz­er in the study of polit­i­cal com­mu­ni­ca­tion, jour­nal­ism and media.

As the only school of its kind in the cap­i­tal of pol­i­tics and media, SMPA excels at bring­ing Wash­ing­ton into the class­room. The SMPA com­mu­ni­ty ben­e­fits from access to an exten­sive net­work, events with polit­i­cal and media lead­ers and a prime loca­tion to explore the inter­play of media and politics.

Their grad­u­ates are lead­ers in advo­ca­cy, pol­i­tics, busi­ness and jour­nal­ism and our stu­dents engage the world around them through intern­ships and access to deci­sion-mak­ers, com­mu­ni­ty lead­ers and pow­er brokers.

The Columbian Col­lege of Arts and Sci­ences is GW’s intel­lec­tu­al and cre­ative backbone—a place where research thrives, crit­i­cal think­ing is encour­aged, col­lab­o­ra­tion is con­stant and real-world train­ing goes hand-in-hand with learning.

As pio­neers of the Engaged Lib­er­al Arts, they equip stu­dents with the skills and com­pe­ten­cies need­ed to be effec­tive, respon­si­ble 21st-cen­tu­ry citizens.

Who is the Manager Instructional Technology Candidate?

The can­di­date will also be respon­si­ble for the over­sight of the oper­a­tions and staff asso­ci­at­ed with the SMPA Broad­cast Stu­dio for both internal(student/faculty) and exter­nal customers.

The Man­ag­er will lever­age the infra­struc­ture and sys­tems design and engi­neer­ing teams of OTS to help facil­i­tate the deploy­ment of new sys­tems and appli­ca­tions for the SMPA cur­ricu­lum. The Man­ag­er will sup­port and fur­ther the shared vision for tech­nol­o­gy inte­gra­tion and its align­ment to the mis­sion of SMPA. This posi­tion will over­see the inter­sec­tion of tech­nol­o­gy and cur­ricu­lum, facil­i­tate tech­nol­o­gy inte­gra­tions and will sup­port the man­age­ment of the school’s dig­i­tal, mul­ti­me­dia and broad­cast assets to ensure strong aca­d­e­m­ic results for all students.

The ide­al can­di­date will have an under­stand­ing of the aca­d­e­m­ic envi­ron­ment while apply­ing indus­try knowl­edge and emerg­ing trends to fur­ther the mis­sion of SMPA to pro­vide state-of-the-art instruc­tion and sup­port in the areas of dig­i­tal media and video and stu­dio production.

This includes under­stand­ing the dig­i­tal and online video envi­ron­ments and online dis­tri­b­u­tion, includ­ing video stream­ing tech­nolo­gies and plat­forms such as Snapchat, YouTube, Periscope, Face­book, Insta­gram and Twit­ter. The incum­bent should be able to devel­op and car­ry out the vision for dig­i­tal sto­ry­tellers by imple­ment­ing and exper­i­ment­ing with new tech­nolo­gies and sys­tems while also pos­sess­ing exper­tise in exist­ing video and stu­dio production.

Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Con­tin­u­ous inter­ac­tion with stu­dents, fac­ul­ty, staff and exter­nal clients to ensure that they have access to the appro­pri­ate tech­nol­o­gy tools for pro­duc­tiv­i­ty, teach­ing, and learn­ing; iden­ti­fy ways to pro­vide sup­port where needed.
  • Man­age a team that works to devel­op teach­ing and learn­ing strate­gies and tech­ni­cal solu­tions to enhance instruc­tion through a vari­ety of pro­fes­sion­al learn­ing set­tings includ­ing indi­vid­ual con­sul­ta­tion, infor­mal set­tings, and for­mal work­shops to inte­grate tech­nol­o­gy into teach­ing. This also includes inves­ti­gat­ing, eval­u­at­ing and imple­ment­ing instruc­tion­al technologies.
  • Man­age the local­ized sys­tem inte­gra­tions and project man­age­ment process­es and on-going oper­a­tional sup­port for all dig­i­tal media and broad­cast pro­duc­tion projects and devel­op­ment activ­i­ties relat­ed to the School of Media and Pub­lic Affairs’ Eaton Broad­cast Suite. This includes audio, light­ing, con­trol room and switch­ing, edit­ing, green screen, motion graph­ics and video for digital/social media distribution.
  • Under­stand and facil­i­tate the devel­op­ment of end user sys­tem require­ments relat­ed to the SMPA cur­ricu­lum and sub­ject mat­ter by means of end user meet­ings, pro­to­typ­ing activ­i­ties, and deploy­ment of inter­nal proof of concepts.
  • Design infor­ma­tion sys­tems and cus­tomize off-the-shelf com­mer­cial soft­ware pack­ages for cur­ric­u­lar and broad­cast facil­i­ty sup­port with sup­port from OTS.
  • Main­tain a broad knowl­edge of cur­rent and emerg­ing tech­nolo­gies, indus­try trends, computer/network sys­tems, archi­tec­tures, and prod­uct offer­ings in the dig­i­tal and broad­cast media space.
  • Con­duct knowl­edge trans­fer between project staff (includ­ing con­trac­tors) and sub­or­di­nate tech­ni­cal ser­vices staff to facil­i­tate the tran­si­tion of sup­port respon­si­bil­i­ties upon project completion.
  • Con­duct out­reach efforts to bench­mark SMPA tech­nol­o­gy offer­ings and solic­it struc­tured and unstruc­tured feed­back for the pur­pos­es of goal set­ting and team per­for­mance evaluation.
  • Sup­port the admin­is­tra­tors, instruc­tors, and oth­er staff in the use of hardware/applications and in basic trou­bleshoot­ing; per­form admin­is­tra­tor role for learn­ing appli­ca­tions; and sup­port the man­age­ment of the school’s tech­nol­o­gy assets.
  • Man­age and track the annu­al bud­get for the pro­duc­tion facil­i­ties. Work with the Pro­gram Coor­di­na­tor to man­age pro­gram resources and reim­burse­ments, pur­chase orders and invoices.
  • Leads and super­vis­es staff direct­ly, makes hir­ing deci­sions, pro­vides coach­ing, train­ing and men­tor­ing, man­ages per­for­mance and deter­mines future staffing needs.
  • Per­forms oth­er relat­ed duties as assigned. The omis­sion of spe­cif­ic duties does not pre­clude the super­vi­sor from assign­ing duties that are log­i­cal­ly relat­ed to the position.


Qual­i­fied can­di­dates will hold a Bachelor’s degree in an appro­pri­ate area of spe­cial­iza­tion plus 6 years of rel­e­vant pro­fes­sion­al expe­ri­ence, or, a Master’s degree or high­er in a rel­e­vant area of study plus 4 years of rel­e­vant pro­fes­sion­al expe­ri­ence. Degree must be con­ferred by the start date of the posi­tion. Degree require­ments may be sub­sti­tut­ed with an equiv­a­lent com­bi­na­tion of edu­ca­tion, train­ing and experience.

Preferred Qualifications:

  • Expe­ri­ence with dis­trib­uted video stor­age man­age­ment sys­tems, includ­ing local and cloud-host­ed SANs and services.
  • Expe­ri­ence with the Sys­tem Devel­op­ment Life­cy­cle, Scrum, and/or oth­er agile devel­op­ment or project man­age­ment methodologies.
  • Expe­ri­ence in video pro­duc­tion, dig­i­tal media, and distribution.
  • Expe­ri­ence in demand­ing cus­tomer ser­vice envi­ron­ments pro­vid­ing tech­ni­cal services.
  • Strong com­mu­ni­ca­tion and cus­tomer ser­vice skills, capa­ble of work­ing close­ly with SMPA stu­dents, staff, and fac­ul­ty mem­bers, in addi­tion to indus­try cham­pi­ons and core ven­dors, such as Adobe.
  • Abil­i­ty to fos­ter the rela­tion­ships with these enti­ties to bring in work­shops, extracur­ric­u­lar activ­i­ties, and oth­er pub­lic events (such as hackathons). 
    • Expe­ri­ence with mul­ti­me­dia hard­ware, soft­ware, net­work con­fig­u­ra­tion, and inter­nal applications.
    • Expe­ri­ence with inci­dent man­age­ment and project man­age­ment tools fol­low­ing ITSM and PMBOK best practices.
    • Expe­ri­ence with non-lin­ear dig­i­tal video edit­ing soft­ware pack­ages in a post-pro­duc­tion, broad­cast and/or edu­ca­tion­al envi­ron­ment, specif­i­cal­ly includ­ing Adobe CC.
  • Excel­lent orga­ni­za­tion, plan­ning, inter­per­son­al and com­mu­ni­ca­tion skills, client ser­vices and abil­i­ty to lead a team.

You can apply for the job here: Manager Instructional Technology

What is the Salary?

The typ­i­cal hir­ing range is $63,900 — $92,700.

How is pay for new employ­ees deter­mined at GW?