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Resultly – Heralding the Advent of Web 3.0?

Want to search for media jobs quick­ly, with­out being bom­bard­ed with ads and irrel­e­vant infor­ma­tion? You’d bet­ter try Result­ly.

Imag­ine the scene: you’re sat at your lap­top search­ing for infor­ma­tion on the lat­est iPhone or you’re on the hunt for a new job. You want user reviews, fea­tures and prices; open­ings, com­pa­ny infor­ma­tion or employ­ee infor­ma­tion, but first you have to sift through end­less con­tent that’s entire­ly irrelevant.

This was the sce­nario that Result­ly founder Ilya Berak found him­self in late one night as he researched the lat­est technology.

Berak explains: “I went to Google search like every­one else in the world, and looked up ‘specs on the Xoom’, but I did­n’t find what I was look­ing for on the first page, plus I had to spend too much time typ­ing more and more refined search­es, includ­ing neg­a­tive key­words to sup­press the results I did­n’t want, and click­ing and point­ing repeat­ed­ly, dig­ging for the information.”

Sub­se­quent search­es on Twit­ter, Craigslist, eBay and Digg proved equal­ly frus­trat­ing and the whole exer­cise had tak­en him hours. This exas­per­at­ing expe­ri­ence led to the birth of Result­ly, an alerts engine that aims to take the pain out of Inter­net searches.

Result­ly – the Claims

Accord­ing to the devel­op­ers Resultly’s objec­tive aims to tack­le the fact that there is A LOT of infor­ma­tion out there and it gets old fast – it will mon­i­tor the web for the infor­ma­tion you want and get it to you fast.

When you stop and con­sid­er the amount of data spread across the web – Face­book alone has over 30 bil­lion pieces of con­tent shared on its plat­form every day – the aver­age con­sumer doesn’t stand a chance when it comes to find­ing tech­nol­o­gy or social media jobs, the best deal on the lat­est tablet, or the best price on a last-minute get­away. Result­ly claims to be able to scour the web for infor­ma­tion on your behalf and deliv­er the results, in real time, direct to your smart­phone via an app.

This Chica­go-based start­up has been her­ald­ed as the begin­ning of Web 3.0; where Web 2.0 saw the expo­nen­tial growth of data across the Inter­net, Web 3.0 aims to break the infor­ma­tion down and make sense of it all. Result­ly fits into the idea neat­ly, by min­ing data from across the social web, fil­ter­ing out the use­less and ram­bling, the forums, news­groups and aggre­ga­tors, to deliv­er lit­tle nuggets of infor­ma­tion that meet your needs perfectly.

Does it Work?

In short, yes. It’s a remark­ably smart and pow­er­ful search engine that sits some­where between Google Alerts, an RSS feed and a search engine. The thing that sets Result­ly apart – is that it sees infor­ma­tion in real time, and deliv­ers it to your phone, in real time.

By sign­ing up to the ser­vice you are giv­en a selec­tion of cat­e­gories with to set your search para­me­ters. These include jobs, cars, hous­ing, finance, news, social and prod­ucts, and with­in each cat­e­go­ry are fur­ther choic­es and options to allow you to drill down and set very pre­cise search terms. From there, Result­ly will mon­i­tor the web to get the infor­ma­tion you’ve asked for with­out any of the extra­ne­ous data.

These para­me­ters how­ev­er, could be the one aspect of Result­ly that might attract crit­i­cism. By set­ting para­me­ters, you are already shrink­ing the Inter­net, and by only pre­sent­ing a few cat­e­gories includ­ing the afore­men­tioned cars, jobs, hous­ing, finance etc – your search options are lim­it­ed even fur­ther. The com­pa­ny is plan­ning on expand­ing the cat­e­go­ry choic­es avail­able on Result­ly, but even if they do, how will they ever cre­ate enough to cov­er what any­one and every­one might want to search for, which is after all, the inher­ent beau­ty of the Inter­net, isn’t it?

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