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Work towards making a better world, Product Manager needed.

At they are a com­mu­ni­ty of inno­va­tors ded­i­cat­ed to achiev­ing trans­for­ma­tive social impact through tech­nol­o­gy-enabled solu­tions. is seek­ing a proac­tive Prod­uct Man­ag­er with a proven track record to join our team and assume respon­si­bil­i­ty for the launch of an inno­v­a­tive prod­uct. Their prod­ucts and com­pa­nies enable indi­vid­u­als to over­come com­mu­ni­ca­tion bar­ri­ers, achieve new pos­si­bil­i­ties, and improve their qual­i­ty of life. They thrive in a fast-paced, entre­pre­neur­ial envi­ron­ment, and are con­stant­ly work­ing to envi­sion and build intel­li­gent solu­tions to big problems.

As the win­ner of mul­ti­ple awards from the Nation­al Insti­tutes of Health (NIH), they apply a sci­en­tif­i­cal­ly rig­or­ous approach to research and devel­op­ment efforts, and place a spe­cial empha­sis on improv­ing health, edu­ca­tion, and social ser­vices for com­mu­ni­ties with great­est need. Their diverse staff is dri­ven by a com­mon end goal: to cre­ate inno­v­a­tive tech­nolo­gies that will make a pos­i­tive impact on soci­ety. Our small team tack­les every­thing from research and grant writ­ing to tech­nol­o­gy devel­op­ment and commercialization.

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Who is the ide­al Can­di­date for Languagemate?

You will join a grow­ing team work­ing to dri­ve Languagemate’s prod­ucts from idea to com­mer­cial­iza­tion and be respon­si­ble for deter­min­ing prod­uct fea­tures and direc­tion. You will have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to work close­ly with Engi­neer­ing, Sales, Mar­ket­ing, Design, and Research teams, as well as with cus­tomers to under­stand mar­ket needs and to define and deliv­er prod­ucts that will change the health­care landscape.

Take full own­er­ship of one of their prod­ucts and man­age entire soft­ware devel­op­ment life cycle; liaise between research team, tech­nol­o­gy team, poten­tial clients, and all oth­er involved par­ties. Under­stand the client needs through inde­pen­dent mar­ket research and data analy­sis and trans­late them into prod­uct requirements.

Can you work with the CEO to define and cre­ate prod­uct roadmap include iden­ti­fy­ing key fea­tures & help­ing to devel­op go to mar­ket & pric­ing strat­e­gy? How about work­ing in con­junc­tion with devel­op­ers to spec­i­fy and scope fea­tures and help to cre­ate a fin­ished prod­uct. Do you have 5–7 years of experience and a back­ground in Prod­uct Man­age­ment, prefer­ably work­ing on a prod­uct from “the ground up;”.

Under­stand cus­tomer needs and trans­late these into tech­ni­cal require­ments; abil­i­ty to work in an agile envi­ron­ment. Expe­ri­ence work­ing with med­ical and nurs­ing pro­fes­sion­als is pre­ferred as well as expe­ri­ence with devel­op­ing a user inter­face for a non-tech­ni­cal audi­ence is pre­ferred. Expe­ri­ence in health­care and recruit­ing and men­tor­ing both a prod­uct and devel­op­ment team. Team play­er who thrives in a start-up envi­ron­ment is a must.

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What does have to say about the company?

We endeav­or to cre­ate solu­tions that tran­scend bar­ri­ers, pro­mote pos­i­tive change, and improve lives.




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