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So what’s the word on Sprinklr? Partners, not clients is the key!!

When you look for a job, you should be look­ing for a com­pa­ny below the radar, and the rea­son being you want to grow with a com­pa­ny. Sprin­klr is one very such com­pa­ny. They have a unique ide­ol­o­gy that that a smart per­son can get behind and grow with.

They believe peo­ple nev­er for­get how you made them feel. They help big brands lis­ten and act on the voice of the cus­tomer to man­age social expe­ri­ences at every touch point. They build the most com­plete social soft­ware plat­form in the world, pur­pose-built for large enter­pris­es to ensure that the voice of the cus­tomer can be heard and act­ed upon by every employee

Social media adver­tis­ing is expect­ed to reach $15 bil­lion by 2018, ana­lyt­ics and man­age­ment com­pa­ny Sprin­klr is rec­om­mend­ing that brands begin mov­ing their social media oper­a­tion in-house to facil­i­tate bet­ter con­trol, and make it all-around bet­ter, through effi­cien­cy and scalability.

Sprinklr’s solu­tion is to bring it all “in-house”. “Mov­ing social adver­tis­ing in-house is a big invest­ment,” Sprin­klr says, “but the poten­tial gains…make it more than worthwhile.”

Sprin­klr says inte­grat­ing all social media oper­a­tions in-house gives brands the abil­i­ty to:
• Plan, exe­cute and opti­mize all of their social media activ­i­ties in the same envi­ron­ment in real time.
• Pro­gram­mat­i­cal­ly buy social ads based on the per­for­mance of organ­ic activ­i­ty or ad performance.
• Auto­mate cam­paign optimization.
• Lever­age glob­al client data and man­age all data and report­ing in a cen­tral­ized platform.
• Inte­grate social into their business

On top of that news Sprin­klr likes to say they don’t have clients, they have part­ners. So it appears brands can count on them to sup­port them through­out the entire rela­tion­ship, from man­ag­ing day-to-day plat­form needs to help­ing cre­ate and imple­ment a social strat­e­gy. So more than 650 of the world’s lead­ing brands have cho­sen Sprin­klr for their strate­gic ser­vices offer­ing the sup­port they need to be tru­ly excep­tion­al in the Social space. Sprinklr’s strate­gic ser­vice offer­ing cen­ters around 4 main cat­e­gories: Social Matu­ri­ty Accel­er­a­tion, Gov­er­nance, Inte­gra­tion and Engagement.

Sprinklr’s strat­e­gy and ana­lyt­ics team unlock busi­ness val­ue. And enhance the social cus­tomer expe­ri­ence. Their experts help mature a brand ↽ from func­tion­al and opti­mized social media teams, to ful­ly inte­grat­ed and trans­formed glob­al orga­ni­za­tions. Wouldn’t you like to know how mature your social orga­ni­za­tion is?  Their pro­gram, Accel­er­a­tr assess­es your social matu­ri­ty across our pro­pri­etary social matu­ri­ty scale – Func­tion­al; Opti­mized; Advanced; Trans­formed. A social­ly mature brand accel­er­ates effi­cient­ly to high­er states of greater social ROI and busi­ness val­ue.  Accel­er­a­tr is for the glob­al brand that must:

  1. Cre­ate inno­v­a­tive cus­tomer expe­ri­ences through social engagement.
  2. Dri­ve val­ue through the the 5C’s of social expe­ri­ence man­age­ment – Con­ver­sa­tions; Con­tent; Cam­paigns; Col­lab­o­ra­tion; Community.
  3. Know the con­text of its ecosys­tems and pre­pare for social engage­ment across the company.
  4. Work with trust­ed social advi­sors in mar­ket­ing, cus­tomer care, cus­tomer expe­ri­ence, IT, PR, IR and HR.

Sprin­klr has a tal­ent­ed bunch of Com­mu­ni­ty Man­agers avail­able to help clients scale one-to-one engage­ment, build last­ing rela­tion­ships and dri­ve brand per­cep­tion. The team is also expe­ri­enced using their plat­form to dis­cov­er a brand’s rel­e­vant audi­ences and advo­cates. Sprinklr’s ser­vices span three cat­e­gories: Engage­ment, Mod­er­a­tion and Con­tent Creation.

Clients who use Sprinklr’s engage­ment ser­vices, rely on our Com­mu­ni­ty Man­age­ment to dri­ve their online dis­cus­sions. Our teams man­age and respond to social mes­sages on behalf of our client. Our Engage­ment Spe­cial­ists are trained to route ques­tions to appro­pri­ate teams, seek out answers and make sure com­mu­ni­ty mem­bers feel engaged in the brand dis­cus­sion. The result is a brand fol­low­ing that is poised for growth and an active part of the social landscape.

Large brands are often at risk for spam or troll attacks. Sprinklr’s mod­er­a­tion ser­vices mon­i­tors social prop­er­ties for spam posts, inap­pro­pri­ate con­tent and oth­er sen­si­tive mes­sages. Teams work round the clock, mean­ing brands can rest assured know­ing that their page is con­stant­ly under the watch­ful eyes of a dili­gent Sprin­klr Com­mu­ni­ty Manager.

Great con­tent is excit­ing con­tent. Sprinklr’s Con­tent cre­ators have a love of writ­ing and a way with words. Our copy­writ­ers have spe­cial­ized expe­ri­ence in writ­ing for social chan­nels and enjoy bring­ing every­day brand expe­ri­ences to life. Our copy­writ­ers are also effi­cient plan­ners, cre­at­ing detailed con­tent cal­en­dars to keep teams informed about planned out­go­ing messages.

You real­ly need to con­sid­er, don’t you want to work for a team that has so much already thought out. Would­n’t you want to be a part of a pow­er­house in the media community?

If you’re inter­est­ed in work­ing at Sprin­klr click here.


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