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Want to work out your agency’s media spend before running your campaign? Find out what the competition’s spending (and making) first with AdClarity

Whether you’re a busi­ness devel­op­ment man­ag­er or an adver­tis­ing sales man­ag­er, max­i­miz­ing online adver­tis­ing sales is a promi­nent pri­or­i­ty. But just how do you plan and run the cam­paign, while get­ting the media spend just right, when you’re not sure what the com­pe­ti­tion is up to? Thanks to a new prod­uct from New York ad start­up BiScience, that’s one area of guess­work that’ll pass into history.

Intel­li­gent intelligence

BiScience’s “AdClar­i­ty” media intel­li­gence plat­form tracks over 5 mil­lion ads from more than 300,000 adver­tis­ers, run­ning in more than 2 mil­lion cam­paigns on over 7,000 publisher’s web­sites. And it also keeps tabs on pric­ing by con­nect­ing with lead­ing ad exchanges, giv­ing crys­tal clear snap­shots of pre­vi­ous­ly murk­i­ly obscure data – like how much oth­er adver­tis­ers are spend­ing and how much pub­lish­ers are mak­ing. Even the most hard-bit­ten busi­ness devel­op­ment man­ag­er can’t fail to be impressed with that kind of gold dust.

CEO and co-founder Kfir Moy­al is pret­ty clear about who will find AdClarity’s offer­ings most valuable:

“I think advertisers/agencies are the sweet­est spots as it plays a key con­sid­er­a­tion for them while plan­ning and deploy­ing cam­paigns. Hav­ing said that, pub­lish­ers always like to com­pare mon­e­ti­za­tion alter­na­tives and prof­itabil­i­ty so their use case is pret­ty strong as well.”

Moy­al says that agen­cies can use the plat­form to cal­cu­late media spend, while in-house adver­tis­ers can bypass the ad exchange mid­dle­men and go straight to the pub­lish­ers armed with robust intel­li­gence to under­gird their negotiations.

A seat at the table 

Here’s an exam­ple of what AdClar­i­ty can do. It’ll show you that Yahoo made in excess of $7.5 mil­lion from four cam­paigns just from its home­page last month; there were 168 mil­lion page-views and the CPM aver­age was $110. It’ll also show you that ESPN’s U.S. site, with its 35 mil­lion month­ly vis­i­tors, ran 609 cam­paigns with a high­er aver­age CPM of $1.39.

AdClar­i­ty main­tains a pro­pri­etary BiScience real-time bid­ding (RTB) engine which seam­less­ly inte­grates with a mul­ti­tude of ad inven­to­ry sources. Light­ning fast though they might be, AdClar­i­ty gets to have a seat at the table while dig­i­tal nego­ti­a­tions are under­way so that it knows instant­ly who makes the win­ning bid.

The plat­form also pro­vides data in what­ev­er sized chunk suits best – dai­ly, week­ly or month­ly – and it sup­plies trend­ing data, too. Savvy busi­ness devel­op­ment man­agers will love it.

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