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Visionary Swiss Army Knife Wanted for Marketo as their Social Marketing Manager

Mar­ke­to is seek­ing a Mar­ket­ing Man­ag­er for their Social Media mar­ket­ing. They want to imple­ment cut­ting-edge online mar­ket­ing prac­tices for an indus­try-lead­ing mar­ket­ing team.  This Social Mar­ket­ing Man­ag­er role will be respon­si­ble for lead­ing a vari­ety of ini­tia­tives, and will also be inte­grat­ed into mul­ti-func­tion­al teams work­ing on high-pri­or­i­ty cam­paigns and projects.  You would work on learn­ing best prac­tices and sup­port­ing the over­all team success.

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So what kind of Social Mar­ket­ing Man­ag­er is Mar­ke­to look­ing for?

You most def­i­nite­ly should have at least sev­en years under your belt, and it should be in dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing, and/or relat­ed fields includ­ing research, adver­tis­ing, man­age­ment con­sult­ing, media and pub­lish­ing. You need to be able to tran­si­tion effort­less­ly from vision­ary plan­ner to hands-on execu­tor as sit­u­a­tions demand it. They absolute­ly want a hound for learn­ing the newest methods.

Writ­ing and edit­ing must be a sec­ond nature char­ac­ter­is­tic. The ide­al can­di­date will be a blend of Dig­i­tal Strate­gist and Social Plat­form Expert, have expe­ri­ence work­ing on behalf of cor­po­rate and/or B2B and B2C brands.

If you get the job you’ll be suc­cess­ful­ly launch­ing prod­ucts and pro­grams and eval­u­at­ing cam­paign results against objec­tives plus lots more. In order to boost Marketo’s brand and over­all aware­ness on social media plat­forms includ­ing Face­book, Twit­ter, LinkedIn, Slideshare, you’ll need to coor­di­nate with oth­er Mar­ke­to teams – cre­ative, con­tent, demand gen and PR to deliv­er pro­grams on time. Engage with key social influ­encers and par­tic­i­pate in the con­ver­sa­tions hap­pen­ing across all social chan­nels to ensure Marketo’s brand is well rep­re­sent­ed as the leader in mar­ket­ing tech­nol­o­gy and mar­ket­ing software

You’ll be research­ing and pitch­ing ideas for social media cam­paigns and track­ing social media sta­tis­tics and share results with inter­nal teams to sup­port cross-chan­nel cam­paigns and sup­port com­pa­ny ini­tia­tives and communications

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So what does Mar­ke­to think of themselves:

“Mar­ke­to is a leader mar­ket­ing soft­ware and mar­ket­ing automa­tion and is grow­ing like crazy.  We are delight­ing our cus­tomers and hir­ing some of the best minds in Sil­i­con Val­ley. Our head­quar­ters is locat­ed in San Mateo, Cal­i­for­nia and we con­tin­ue to expand glob­al­ly. We offer com­pet­i­tive salaries, great ben­e­fits, and a high-ener­gy envi­ron­ment with lots of room for per­son­al and pro­fes­sion­al growth”.

Mar­ke­to pro­vides easy-to-use, pow­er­ful and com­plete mar­ket­ing soft­ware that pro­pels fast-grow­ing small com­pa­nies and glob­al enter­pris­es, turn­ing mar­ket­ing from a cost cen­ter into a rev­enue dri­ver.  Marketo’s mar­ket­ing automa­tion and sales effec­tive­ness soft­ware – includ­ing the world’s first inte­grat­ed solu­tion for social mar­ket­ing automa­tion – helps thou­sands of com­pa­nies around the world stream­line mar­ket­ing process­es, deliv­er more cam­paigns, gen­er­ate more win-ready leads, and dra­mat­i­cal­ly improve sales performance.

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