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Search is being more fashionable by hiring a Campaign Analyst in New York

So what’s the big deal about becom­ing a Cam­paign Ana­lyst for this New York company?

Well, lets start with the 263 mil­lion con­sumers reached through Condé Nast’s indus­try-lead­ing print, dig­i­tal and video brands.

The company’s port­fo­lio includes some of the most icon­ic titles in media: Vogue, Van­i­ty Fair, Glam­our, Brides, Self, GQ, The New York­er, Condé Nast Trav­el­er, Details, Allure, Archi­tec­tur­al Digest, Bon Appétit, Epi­cu­ri­ous, Wired, W, Lucky, Golf Digest, Golf World, Teen Vogue, Ars Tech­ni­ca, and Now­Man­i­fest. The company’s newest divi­sion, Condé Nast Enter­tain­ment, was launched in 2011 to devel­op film, tele­vi­sion and pre­mi­um dig­i­tal video programming.

As a Cam­paign Ana­lyst you will be work­ing for a pre­mier media com­pa­ny renowned for pro­duc­ing the high­est qual­i­ty con­tent for the world’s most influ­en­tial audi­ences. Attract­ing 95 mil­lion con­sumers across

Over the past twen­ty years, Condé Nast has reached record prof­its, tripling its topline growth and expo­nen­tial­ly expand­ing its con­tent dis­tri­b­u­tion. In 2013, the cor­po­ra­tion was rec­og­nized as one of the fastest-grow­ing com­pa­nies in the dig­i­tal video busi­ness and in 2014 was one of LinkedIn’s Top 25 Most In-Demand Employers. explores fashion’s vast, vibrant, and expand­ing cul­tur­al influ­ence with unpar­al­leled insid­er access and break­through tech­nol­o­gy. Fash­ion, street style, beau­ty, enter­tain­ment, and more; the moment it hap­pens, around the world, straight from the source.

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So who is the ide­al Cam­paign Ana­lyst for

The cam­paign ana­lyst plays a key role in ensur­ing deliv­ers all media rev­enue asso­ci­at­ed with dig­i­tal cam­paigns and pro­vides white-glove cus­tomer ser­vice to all of their dig­i­tal adver­tis­ing clients. They are look­ing for team mem­bers with a track record of suc­cess in dig­i­tal adver­tis­ing and man­ag­ing client rela­tion­ships.   Addi­tion­al­ly, this ana­lyst will work close­ly with the finance direc­tor to man­age sales esti­mates and KPIs.

You will be serv­ing as the day to day client con­tact for all adver­tis­ing cam­paigns. Man­ages the post-sale process from inser­tion order approval to final billing cycles. Co-lead Agency/Client kick-off call with the Account Exec­u­tive and Sales Plan­ner to estab­lish process, set time­lines, and assign own­er­ship. Cre­ate and send cam­paign kick-off call recaps, out­lin­ing clear inter­nal and exter­nal next steps. Coor­di­nate with Ad Ops and Agency to answer spec ques­tions; ensure smooth and time­ly asset / tag collection.

You’ll be pro­vid­ing Clients and/or Agency part­ners with week­ly cam­paign updates and per­for­mance reports through­out the dura­tion of a cam­paign. Mon­i­tor client KPI’s to ensure cam­paign suc­cess. Main­tain ser­vice excel­lence through effec­tive client com­mu­ni­ca­tion. Pro­vide launch screen­shots to Agency. Mon­i­tor pac­ing and per­for­mance with Rev­enue Oper­a­tions team. Main­tain proac­tive opti­miza­tions based on deliv­ery and per­for­mance. Work along­side Account Exec­u­tive, Sales Plan­ner and Rev Ops to help iden­ti­fy upsell opportunities.

Com­mu­ni­cate cam­paign-lev­el updates to Sales and inter­nal stake­hold­ers. Pro­vide cam­paign wrap reports to the agency high­light­ing areas of suc­cess and rec­om­men­da­tions for future cam­paigns. Ensure all month­ly invoic­es for cam­paigns are billed on time. Pro­vide week­ly sales esti­mates. Respon­si­ble for traf­fick­ing depart­ment invoic­es includ­ing main­tain­ing invoice man­i­fest. The ide­al can­di­date pos­sess­es keen ana­lyt­i­cal skills, atten­tion to detail, the abil­i­ty to mul­ti-task and strong com­mu­ni­ca­tion skills. Hav­ing 1–3 years’ expe­ri­ence in dig­i­tal plan­ning, sales sup­port or finance would be high­ly desired. Pro­fi­cien­cy in Excel, famil­iar with piv­ot tables.

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What does Condé Nast has to say about the ser­vices it offers?

We have the best, bright­est and bold­est tal­ent in the media indus­try — indi­vid­u­als who pro­duce our world-class con­tent, design inno­v­a­tive prod­ucts using the lat­est tech­nolo­gies and deliv­er unpar­al­leled val­ue for our busi­ness part­ners.  In addi­tion to pub­lish­ing 143 mag­a­zines and over 130 web­sites, the com­pa­ny oper­ates a restau­rant divi­sion and sev­er­al ven­tures in edu­ca­tion. Condé Nast Enter­tain­ment devel­ops film, tele­vi­sion and pre­mi­um video programming.



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