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Sr. New Product Manager — Simulmedia — Manhattan, NY

Simul­me­dia is seek­ing a Sr. New Prod­uct Man­ag­er in Man­hat­tan. Simul­me­dia is the leader in help­ing adver­tis­ers and agen­cies take a dig­i­tal approach to reach their fine­ly tar­get­ed audi­ences on lin­ear TV at nation­al scale. The Simul­me­dia Audi­ence Net­work reach­es 110 mil­lion house­holds across the US through part­ner­ships with over 75 nation­al cable net­works and the top mul­ti­chan­nel video pro­gram­ming dis­trib­u­tors (MVPDs). Based on a pro­pri­etary analy­sis of sec­ond-by-sec­ond activ­i­ty for over 50M peo­ple, Simul­me­dia deter­mines the best options to extend the reach of cam­paigns to spe­cif­ic tar­get audi­ences, and places adver­tis­ing across those dis­parate TV networks.

They take tremen­dous pride in main­tain­ing a high bar for employ­ees and fos­ter a strong team envi­ron­ment. They have a cul­ture that attracts and nour­ish­es inno­v­a­tive peo­ple, and empow­ers them to take big risks. While they work “start­up hard” the belief in let­ting loose via Hap­py Hours, team activ­i­ties, and an unlim­it­ed vaca­tion policy.

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What are you going have to accom­plish as the Sr. New Prod­uct Manager?

Do you have a curios­i­ty, with a com­pul­sion to learn?

For begin­ners, iden­ti­fy facts, trends, and insights as they emerge in the tele­vi­sion and media mar­ket­ing busi­ness­es. Col­lab­o­rate with Sales to devel­op busi­ness oppor­tu­ni­ties. Strate­gize with Mar­ket­ing and Prod­uct to devel­op case stud­ies to inform and mar­ket Simulmedia’s new prod­ucts. Run pilots and cus­tom projects to devel­op and deploy new prod­ucts. Devel­op­ing tech­niques and tools to uncov­er the val­ue in the data. Work close­ly with Prod­uct to align and iden­ti­fy data plat­form and data cap­ture needs for new prod­ucts. Be an active thought leader on new prod­ucts with Sales, Mar­ket­ing, Prod­uct and the Industry.

Here’s the run­down of what is need­ed; bachelor’s degree. MBA is a plus. The impec­ca­ble abil­i­ty to write clear con­cise prod­uct require­ments, prod­uct descrip­tions, white papers and Pow­er­Point nar­ra­tives for clients, dis­till­ing out­comes and explain­ing insights. Expe­ri­ence with han­dling and ana­lyz­ing large data sets. Project Man­age­ment, demon­strat­ing abil­i­ty to pri­or­i­tize, man­age details, and meet dead­lines.               Applied sta­tis­tics and a pro­fi­cien­cy in com­put­er plat­forms and tools, includ­ing advanced excel skills or bet­ter. SQL, R, or Python knowl­edge is a plus.

They offer a com­pet­i­tive salary, medical/dental/vision ben­e­fits, unlim­it­ed vaca­tion, stock options and a stake in our company’s success.

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What does Simul­me­dia have to say about what they offer?

Simul­me­dia is the pio­neer and mar­ket leader in audi­ence-based adver­tis­ing on TV. We mar­ry the pow­er of adver­tis­ing place­ments on nation­al TV inven­to­ry with the accu­ra­cy of data dri­ven audi­ence tar­get­ing to sell and deliv­er the most pre­cise, results-dri­ven nation­al TV adver­tis­ing of any TV or media net­work. Since 2009, our mis­sion has been to build the data resources, audi­ence knowl­edge, inven­to­ry access, and tech­nol­o­gy plat­form to deliv­er results-dri­ven TV advertising.


Con­nect­ing pow­er­ful data sources and hav­ing direct access to 75 per­cent of all TV inven­to­ry enables Simul­me­dia to find the most effec­tive cost-effi­cient spots with the high­est prob­a­bil­i­ty of reach­ing your audi­ence. Guaranteed.

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