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Social Media Strategist – New York location for MMGY Global

MMGY Glob­al has a posi­tion avail­able for Social Media Strate­gist in their New York office. Work­ing direct­ly with the client and social media man­agers, this per­son will devel­op strate­gic social media mar­ket­ing plans, man­age social media adver­tis­ing and assist in exe­cut­ing social media cam­paigns. This includes tak­ing a social media project from con­cept through com­ple­tion, on sched­ule, on bud­get and meet­ing or exceed­ing the expec­ta­tions of the client. MMGY clients include high-end lux­u­ry resorts, hotels, casi­nos and tourism destinations.

The Social Media Strate­gist will also be respon­si­ble for propos­ing social media ini­tia­tives, pitch­ing social media oppor­tu­ni­ties and act­ing as point of con­tact for clients. Can­di­dates should be sea­soned pre­sen­ters, who know how to “own” a room.

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So who is the ide­al can­di­date for the Social Media Strate­gist at MMGY?

This is what you’ll be doing most of the time. Work­ing with project team and client(s) to deter­mine and com­mu­ni­cate social media strate­gies, infor­ma­tion archi­tec­ture and appli­ca­tion design. Par­tic­i­pat­ing to cre­ate detailed, accu­rate pro­pos­als, project descrip­tions, sched­ules and esti­mates. Under­stand and fol­low the estab­lished project devel­op­ment process. Adver­tis­ing on Face­book, Twit­ter, etc. Get­ting to know the clien­t’s busi­ness issues as well as the clien­t’s indi­vid­ual needs and devel­ops solu­tions to meet those needs.

Man­age client expec­ta­tions, com­mu­ni­cate updates, and ensure client sat­is­fac­tion. Ensures work pro­duced meets qual­i­ty stan­dards. Cul­ti­vate client rela­tion­ships at the project lev­el and stay dialed into lat­est trends and oppor­tu­ni­ties. Uti­lize traf­fic pro­ce­dures to stream­line projects and stay on strate­gic direction.

Oth­er things you’ll be doing around your new house, like help to iden­ti­fy new rev­enue oppor­tu­ni­ties in new and exist­ing clients, along with bud­get­ing and time entry. Train clients and staff on use of online social media tools and net­works. Trav­el a lit­tle bit.

Stuff you should have under the belt… 3+ years man­ag­ing social media strat­e­gy. Expe­ri­ence man­ag­ing and exe­cut­ing social media adver­tis­ing. Know all forms of social media inter­ac­tions (blogs, forums, net­works, etc…) and their tools. Bachelor’s in some­thing tech­ni­cal, Cool?

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Here’s what MMGY has to say about the ser­vice they offer:

As the largest inte­grat­ed trav­el mar­ket­ing firm in the world, we inspire peo­ple to go places. We now exe­cute strate­gies and tac­tics across all mar­ket­ing dis­ci­plines with­in one inte­grat­ed com­pa­ny. We under­stand where trav­el­ers are going, how they think and why they want to go places. We lis­ten, study and engage as we take a proac­tive approach to thought lead­er­ship in the trav­el industry.

Most of all, we con­tin­ue to sur­round our­selves with pas­sion­ate peo­ple. You might think that pas­sion is exclu­sive­ly about the trav­el itself. We believe it’s a pas­sion about the ben­e­fits of trav­el and what it shows us about oth­ers and, ulti­mate­ly, our­selves. To me, it helps make the world a lit­tle small­er. And to Clay­ton, myself, and to the rest of our team, trav­el is about move­ment – as we con­tin­ue to give trav­el­ers what they need to keep going.

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