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Social Media Manager – The New York Yankees

Yes, you have a chance to be the social media man­ag­er for the New York Yan­kees. If you’re a sport nut and a social media guru, you should be attack­ing this! Can you devel­op a com­pre­hen­sive Social Media plan to encom­pass the entire New York Yan­kees orga­ni­za­tion and brand through Twit­ter, Face­book, Insta­gram, Tum­blr, etc? The Social Media Man­ag­er is respon­si­ble for pro­vid­ing intel­li­gent and cre­ative mar­ket­ing to assist in the pro­gres­sion of the organization’s Social Media strat­e­gy. Wan­na play ball?

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So who are the New York Yan­kees Look­ing for as a Social Media Man­ag­er?

Can you be the ONE?

Edu­cate and cul­ti­vate across all depart­ments that helps pro­vide con­tent and fan engage­ment. Proac­tive­ly mon­i­tor the club’s social media chan­nels for oppor­tu­ni­ties to engage cur­rent fans as well as poten­tial new fans. You’ll be respon­si­ble for cre­at­ing and man­ag­ing brand voice con­sis­tent with orga­ni­za­tion­al philoso­phies on new and exist­ing Social Media platforms.

Research, devel­op and imple­ment new social media oppor­tu­ni­ties and strate­gies. Con­sult on mar­ket­ing plans, media plans, spon­sor­ship sales pro­pos­als and non-base­ball events. Mon­i­tor social media net­works; man­age the sched­ul­ing of posts and respond and com­mu­ni­cate with fans directly.

Ana­lyze social media medi­ums through mon­i­tor­ing tools and pro­vide mean­ing­ful ana­lyt­ics regard­ing com­mu­ni­ty growth and engage­ment. Pro­vide com­pet­i­tive intel­li­gence around com­peti­tors’ social activ­i­ties. Iden­ti­fy, cap­ture and cre­ate social media con­tent. Respond to cur­rent trends in social media to devel­op an effec­tive communications/marketing strategy.

Work with MLBAM to max­i­mize and stream­line social media efforts and strate­gies. Work with GM, field staff and play­ers to devel­op and exe­cute social media strate­gies designed to strength­en con­nec­tion between unformed per­son­nel and fan base.

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What are the skills and qual­i­ties to land this gig in the bag?
Bachelor’s degree in Com­mu­ni­ca­tions, Mar­ket­ing or relat­ed field. Min­i­mum of four years pro­fes­sion­al expe­ri­ence with social media plat­forms. Social media tech­ni­cal skills required, includ­ing Adobe Illus­tra­tor and Adobe Pho­to­shop, Pho­tog­ra­phy expe­ri­ence a plus.

Abil­i­ty to rec­og­nize and iden­ti­fy sensitive/inappropriate top­ics, social issues and cur­rent events as they relate to the New York Yan­kees and Major League Baseball

Abil­i­ty to work well with­in a team envi­ron­ment, offer­ing assis­tance and sup­port to team mem­bers when­ev­er nec­es­sary. Proven abil­i­ty to deliv­er tan­gi­ble results with­in a short time­frame with lim­it­ed resources. Requires con­tin­u­al atten­tion to detail and high lev­el of orga­ni­za­tion. Simul­ta­ne­ous­ly man­age a high lev­el of detail across mul­ti­ple projects, abil­i­ty to mul­ti-task and prioritize.

Excel­lent inter­per­son­al, ver­bal and writ­ten com­mu­ni­ca­tion skills. Proven abil­i­ty to bal­ance inter­nal pri­or­i­ties with client expec­ta­tions. Pro­fi­cien­cy in Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel and Pow­er­Point). Flex­i­ble work sched­ule and the abil­i­ty to work in an out­side sta­di­um environment

Just think of all the games you’ll be seeing.

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