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New York’s video ad tech startup Tremor Video introduces cross screen optimization

Video ad tech­nol­o­gy start­up Tremor Video has just announced a new prod­uct that should push the pulse rates of prod­uct man­agers inter­est­ed in ad tech up a few beats: auto­mat­ed cross-screen optimization.

OK, that phrase prob­a­bly pushed the aver­age prod­uct manager’s puz­zle­ment lev­el up a few notch­es. But its short­hand for some­thing that will cure a lot of headaches for any­one who’s run­ning cam­paigns across mul­ti­ple devices, from inter­net-enabled TVs to tablets and smart­phones to desk­tops. Divvy­ing up how much mon­ey to spend on each plat­form is a noto­ri­ous­ly uncer­tain busi­ness. But Tremor has a solution.

Auto­mat­ed cross-screen opti­miza­tion explained 

Inge­nious­ly, agen­cies and brands can sim­ply tell Tremor’s sys­tem what their wished-for out­come is and how much mon­ey they want to spend. Tremor’s tech­nol­o­gy does the rest, auto­mat­i­cal­ly adjust­ing the ad-buy­ing options to yield the opti­mal results. Our hith­er­to baf­fled prod­uct man­ag­er may now con­cede that the phrase “cross-screen opti­miza­tion” sud­den­ly starts to make a lot of sense.

Tremor’s chief tech­nol­o­gy offi­cer, Steven Lee, explains that the new ser­vice builds on the exist­ing platform:

“First you need a real­ly strong opti­miza­tion engine — the abil­i­ty to take all of the sig­nals asso­ci­at­ed with the ad request and fig­ure out what’s sig­nal and what’s noise, and use that to affect future placements.”

It cap­i­tal­izes on Tremor’s exist­ing “cre­ative toolk­it”, which enables an indi­vid­ual ad to be deliv­ered across mul­ti­ple plat­forms and screens while main­tain­ing full inter­ac­tiv­i­ty on each. Tremor taps a slew of data sources to fig­ure out when mul­ti­ple devices belong to the same house­hold, Lee says, so that if you see an ad a few times on your smart­phone, you won’t see it again when you sit in front of your laptop.

Pos­i­tive reception

The New York-head­quar­tered com­pa­ny, which was found­ed in 2005, is now offer­ing its cross-screen opti­miza­tion ser­vices across the U.S., Cana­da and the Unit­ed King­dom. Adver­tis­ers who have already signed up to the new ser­vice include BPN (the ad agency belong­ing to Six Flags) and Media Storm, a promi­nent agency with names like Sun­danceTV, Open Road Films and Fox Broad­cast­ing on its roster.

Media Storm’s Direc­tor, Char­lie Fiordalis, said:

“Tremor Video’s all-screen solu­tion is a great step in the right direc­tion, par­tic­u­lar­ly for enter­tain­ment, enabling us to lever­age their tech­nol­o­gy to instant­ly reach and inspire the right peo­ple, wher­ev­er they’re watching.”

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