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INTERVIEW: Is Swayy the Content Creation Platform You’ve Been Waiting For?

Can a group of smart peo­ple from Israel do a bet­ter job of find­ing the most rel­e­vant con­tent for your audi­ence?    Roy Weiss­man from spoke with Lior Degani, of Swayy, who agreed that there was lots of com­pe­ti­tion in the space but explained why he believes that Swayy will rise above them all.

“What Swayy does, it goes over your com­mu­ni­ties, your audi­ence, your social, your pho­tos and every­thing, and start check­ing out what they react bet­ter to, what top­ics they react bet­ter to, and pro­vide the con­tent accord­ing to that.”

Lis­ten in or read along as Roy Weiss­man talks with Lior about why he believes Swayy will become the leader in its market.

You can lis­ten to the inter­view as well as read it below:



Roy:   My name is Roy Weiss­man from  Today we’re speak­ing with Lior Degani from Swayy is a per­son­al­ized con­tent cura­tion plat­form that helps you dis­cov­er engag­ing con­tent to share with your audi­ence to share on social media.

Wel­come Lior. How are you?

Lior:   Hi. I’m great. Thanks for hav­ing me.

Roy:   You’ve got this busi­ness and we’re talk­ing about a social con­tent cre­ation platform.

Lior:   Yes.

Roy:   You know, maybe you can give us a sense of why you chose to cre­ate this, your back­ground, how your founders came togeth­er. Just a lit­tle bit of back­ground on the busi­ness and the founders.

Lior:   Yes. My plea­sure. We’re from Tel Aviv, basi­cal­ly in Israel. Short sto­ry, it begins with a dif­fer­ent prod­uct we used to do around six months ago, which was called Summer.

Dur­ing the process of work­ing with it on a start up and, you know, act­ing on social media and try­ing to be active as much as we can on our Twit­ter page and our Face­book page, we find that it’s real­ly, real­ly hard to find great con­tent to share, that it takes a lot of time and knowledge.

We hired a com­mu­ni­ty man­ag­er that used to work at anoth­er, two oth­er sites find­ing con­tent. Then we real­ized that it is a big pain in this world and we decid­ed to check out oth­er peo­ple, oth­er com­pa­nies to see it was an exist­ing prob­lem for more peo­ple that start­ed up, and we found out it is.

We start­ed look­ing around, and even­tu­al­ly we launched Swayy three months ago on a pri­vate beta, which is sup­posed to do exact­ly that, it’s sup­posed to help social media mar­keters, com­mu­ni­ty man­agers, SMBs and start ups, share great con­tent eas­i­ly, just a few min­utes a day instead of a few hours.

Roy:   Now, your part­ners, you have three oth­er part­ners, how did you guys‑, did you guys know each oth­er? How did you come together?

Lior:   Yes. Basi­cal­ly it’s an instant con­nec­tion, we all spent from child­hood, we worked togeth­er in sev­er­al start-up com­pa­nies before until we got this, I’m not a poet, but trad­ing, to start up our own ven­ture. Then, yes,  we’ve known each oth­er for many years now.

Roy:   Now this ven­ture is an evo­lu­tion from, or-

Lior:   The URL is, yes. It’s not an evo­lu­tion, but it’s some­thing that we want­ed to build to help us work bet­ter in Sum­mer, and once we real­ized that there’s a bet­ter busi­ness here, so we start­ed putting more focus on Swayy and left Sum­mer just as a history.

Roy:   Now there must be, there’s so many dif­fer­ent social media tools, platforms-

Lior:   Yes.

Roy:   Con­tent search tools. There must be some peo­ple, orga­ni­za­tions, some oth­er sites that are com­peti­tors that what you guys are doing.

Lior:   Exact­ly. Yes. There are many com­peti­tors. Some are direct and some are not direct, but the thing is our approach is a lit­tle dif­fer­ent. We think, we want to change this con­cept of con­cen­trat­ing in the sense that it’s not about what you like to read or what you like con­sume, it’s about what your audi­ence likes to consume.

What Swayy does, it goes over your com­mu­ni­ties, your audi­ence, your social, your pho­tos and every­thing, and start check­ing out what they react bet­ter to, what top­ics they react bet­ter to, and pro­vide the con­tent accord­ing to that.

It’s some­thing that we could­n’t find out there. No one does it in that approach, that’s one thing.

Anoth­er thing is that in oth­er social media tools, not all of them goes with con­tent. They are great. We are prob­a­bly using most of them each and every day, us too, but we want to make con­tent shar­ing much more eas­i­er, just pro­vide the con­tent, give you the best options, obvi­ous­ly to read the con­tent if you like to, but also share it and share it better.

We can talk lat­er about how we do it. There are com­par­isons here, but we are tak­ing a dif­fer­ent approach, and that’s our goal for the moment.

Roy:   Who would you con­sid­er your two biggest competitors?

Lior:   Okay. Our com­peti­tors are, let’s say, they can fit into two groups, either content

cre­ation plat­forms, like I said, they give you con­tents you like to con­sume, and you can, obvi­ous­ly you can find them, also to share, and it can be from Seedling, which is Google Read­er’s replace­ment, and you can find Feed­Board that gives you great con­tent from your feeds, and so on.

On the con­tents for your audi­ence, there are big­ger com­pa­nies that, like Per­co­late, for exam­ple, which pro­vides the solu­tion for brands, for big brands, and we are tak­ing it to the more SMB start-ups approach.

Roy:   Now you said, what was the oth­er one called? Percolate?

Lior:   Per­co­late. Yes.

Roy:   P‑E-R-C-O-L-A-T‑E?

Lior:   Yes.

Roy:   Okay. So the dif­fer­ence is they’re tar­get­ing larg­er orga­ni­za­tions and you guys are tar­get­ing small to medi­um-sized organizations?

Lior:   That’s every­thing. Yes. That’s every­thing, you know, big brands like Pep­si, that pro­vide whole solu­tions for big enter­pris­es, and we are giv­ing it that way that you want to hire some­one just for the con­tent. You want to solve the prob­lem for com­pa­nies or start up, but that does­n’t have the resources.

Roy:   A lot of com­pa­nies form these busi­ness­es and they imme­di­ate­ly go after the big brands because they can charge them $25,000 a month.

Lior:   That’s what they do, yes.

Roy:   They don’t need that many peo­ple to make a lot of mon­ey. If you go after the small­er uni­verse, what kind of pric­ing are you antic­i­pat­ing for your service?

Lior:   In our imme­di­ate­ly busi­ness mod­el, it’s a fram­ing mod­el, it’s a descrip­tion mod­el, but we pro­vide dif­fer­ent solu­tions, we pro­vide a solu­tion that is good for our­selves, as a start up, on social media, and it’s a dif­fer­ent prod­uct. I mean, they are going from‑, and you’re right, they can charge up to $25,000 eas­i­ly. Get it to the more, that’s the SMB prod­ucts, or even one man shows also.

Roy:   What are you expect­ing? You’re say­ing that for a basic ver­sion it’s going to be free?

Lior:   For yes, for some. The basic ver­sion is free. The basic plan, you get some of the fea­tures, and you get to con­nect two social accounts, one Face­book and one Twit­ter, for exam­ple, and then you get to dis­trib­ute con­tent accord­ing to this audi­ence, so the audi­ence of these accounts.

We also pro­vide more advanced plans, which are a month­ly sub­scrip­tion, where you can con­nect more accounts, you get bet­ter sched­ul­ing options, you can col­lab­o­rate with your teams mem­bers. It will high­er lev­el for the big­ger com­pa­nies then.

Roy:   It sounds more like a Hoot­Suite mod­el where they charge $9.99, they have a free ver­sion and then $9.99 a month, and then you pay more mon­ey if you want to have more, you know, a larg­er version.

Lior:   Exact­ly. Yes. It’s very sim­i­lar to what Hoot­Suite does and Buffer, for exam­ple, those are good com­pa­nies and they have great mod­els, and we are more in their world, in their realm. This is the best audi­ence, but we’re giving‑, they have solved the man­age­ment prob­lem and we are solv­ing the con­tent problem.

Lior:   I’m using Buffer, by the way.

Roy:   You’re using, what is Buffer?

Lior:   I’m using Buffer and I’m using Twit­ter. Yes, those are great-

Roy:   What’s the first‑, what’s the “B” one?

Lior:   Buffer.

Roy:   Oh, Buffer.

Lior:   Yes.


Lior:   I think it’s Yes.

Roy:   Buffer. Okay. You’re using them both, and what are you find­ing when you use them?

Lior:   I’m using them to man­age my social accounts.

Lior:   Buffer is for sched­ul­ing, when, basi­cal­ly it finds some­thing you want to share you just put it to your Buffer and it posts it for you.

Roy:   You can post it on a schedule.

Lior:   Yes.

Roy:   With Hoot­Suite, but, yes.

Lior:   You can do, but yes, and I’m using, Twit­ter, for exam­ple, which is great, to get all my feeds because it has many social accounts, but we are going on tech­nol­o­gy. We have a seman­tic engine that knows how to extract what­ev­er an arti­cle’s talk­ing about and gives you exact­ly what you need to share.

It’s a dif­fer­ent, com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent game.

Roy:   Now are you going to inte­grate with some of these com­pa­nies like Hoot­Suite or Buffer?

Lior:   Yes. That’s some­thing in the plan, yes. I’m not try­ing to right away, but that’s in our plan, those upgrades to it and the ini­tia­tive to work togeth­er or something.

Roy:   Because obvi­ous­ly peo­ple are look­ing for one solu­tion to coordinate-

Lior:   You’re right. You’re right.

Roy:   I mean, kind of like so many tools.

Lior:   You’re right. Def­i­nite­ly. I also one tool. By the way, also the user, they’re ask­ing for that, and that’s good, because that’s a sign for me that peo­ple want it. They’re ask­ing us about inte­gra­tions, then we’ll def­i­nite­ly do it in the future.

Roy:   When do you antic­i­pate hav­ing a launch of the product?

Lior:   Soon. We’re just fin­ish­ing, we want to be ready. We like the whole go fast and devel­op method­ol­o­gy and we a lot of lit­tle imple­ment­ing, and that’s how we got this did a prod­uct in less than three months, and launch it very quick and we ini­ti­at­ed a busi­ness mod­el a few weeks after that pri­vate beta launch.

We’re gen­er­at­ing rev­enue pret­ty quick. But, still, we want to do a pub­lic launch when we’re a lit­tle bit more ready in terms of fea­tures and pric­ing, and once we feel ready, we’ll launch it. I don’t want to say dates because, you know, I want to stand behind it, but hope­ful­ly soon.

Roy:   Now did you say you’re gen­er­at­ing rev­enue now?

Lior:   Yes. Yes, definitely.

Roy:   Peo­ple are pay­ing for-

Lior:   Peo­ple are pay­ing to add extra social accounts for them to get bet­ter sched­ul­ing options, to cor­rob­o­rate with one or two team mem­bers in the com­pa­ny. We also give a lit­tle bit more extend­ed ana­lyt­ics, for exam­ple, in the pro plan.

You get a few more fea­tures, that peo­ple need the prod­uct and use it dai­ly are will­ing to pay for. We have two plans, one is pro plan, and one is the team plan. We have a few on each.

Roy:   Now what is the cost for each of those plans?

Lior:   We gen­er­at­ed rev­enues, I think, a cou­ple of weeks after we launched.

Roy:   Okay. What is the price for each, the Pro and the oth­er plan?

Lior:   Basi­cal­ly the price at the moment is $12.00 a month for the Pro plan and $39.00 per month for the Team plan. We give it on a dis­count, 17%, 25% dis­count for the pri­vate beta users, but those are the prices, $12.00 and $39.00 a month.

Roy:   Do you have any sense of what type of users you have?

Lior:   Yes. Yes. I can say that peo­ple that have many social accounts, like, let’s say, they man­age two enti­ties, for exam­ple, they go for the pro plan. The teams, it’s a lit­tle big­ger, com­pa­nies, 10 peo­ple or maybe 20 peo­ple that col­lab­o­rate con­tent, or man­ag­ing a few, sev­er­al accounts. Let’s say, for exam­ple, media agencies.

They man­age, they can man­age 10 or 20 accounts on Face­book and we pro­vide the solu­tions for them. One of our old­est users, user types, is media agen­cies, and we’ve just helped them work bet­ter for their accounts for their customers.

Roy:   Say you launched this in 60 days, is that rea­son­able to say?

Lior:   Yes. That’s reasonable.

Roy:   If you launched in 60 days, that’s pret­ty much, say, the end of the summer.

Lior:   Yes.

Roy:   Where do you envi­sion your­self being in Sep­tem­ber of 2014, from a busi­ness stand­point, from rev­enue, from users, things like that?

Lior:   That’s a great ques­tion, but it goes togeth­er with what you asked me before. We, in a year from now or a year after the launch, we want to be on the inte­gra­tion lev­el. We believe that in a year from now we can do real­ly big things for the Hoot­Suite users, for the Buffer users, for the Twit­ter users, so many great man­age­ment, social media and man­age­ment tools, which lack of content.

They don’t pro­vide users with con­tent. In my per­spec­tive, in our per­spec­tive as a com­pa­ny, con­tent mar­ket­ing is huge now, but it’s not wide­spread enough, but in a year from now it will be.

Every com­pa­nies knows, and will know, they need to share great con­tent with their audi­ence, apart from doing all the oth­er stuff. That will be the per­fect time for us to inte­grate with those social media tools then and pro­vide them just con­tent for the users.

Roy:   How many users-

Lior:   That’s our biggest goal for next year.

Roy:   Would you have a goal for the num­ber of users you want to have by next year?

Lior:   We do. It will be, I guess, in the hun­dreds of thousands.

Roy:   Hun­dreds of thousands?

Lior:   Hun­dreds of thou­sands. Yes.

Roy:   Okay.

Lior:   That would be a great achievement.

Roy:   Will that be paid users or free users?

Lior:   No, that will be total users. From then we are def­i­nite­ly, I can’t give you exact num­bers or a per­cent­age of pay­ing users, but between 2%-5% would be also great for us.

Roy:   2%-5% paid.

Lior:   Okay.

Roy:   Now you’ve devel­oped this tech­nol­o­gy, you’re obvi­ous­ly work­ing to refine it, I think the con­cept sounds fan­tas­tic. Obvi­ous­ly what your audi­ence wants instead of just what you want because that kind of address­es a key mar­ket­ing issue, but what’s to stop some­body else from writ­ing soft­ware that does exact­ly this?

Lior:   Which soft­ware? Sorry.

Roy:   Now you guys have cre­at­ed the soft­ware to ana­lyze the user-base of each account.

Lior:   Yes.

Roy:   What I’m won­der­ing is, you know, how pro­pri­etary is your soft­ware? What do you think you’re doing that gives you a com­pet­i­tive edge over some­one else who could just be writ­ing the same pro­gram as what you’ve done?

Lior:   Okay. Basi­cal­ly it’s not that sim­ple. The tech­nol­o­gy is quite sophis­ti­cat­ed and was quite expen­sive, by the way, because the thing is, we do two things at the back end. We ana­lyze your audience.

I mean, when­ev­er you share, and what­ev­er you’re shar­ing all the time, and we know, and we can tell exact­ly that top­ic, on a very, very drilled down lev­el, what your audi­ence reacts bet­ter to.

That’s what we do from the one side, and the oth­er side, through each day, each day out of more than 50k pieces of con­tent each day and ana­lyze each one of them to match it between the two. The con­tent you see on your Swayy dash­board is some­thing we’ve gone all over the web find­ing exact­ly to match the same con­tent for you.

The tech­nol­o­gy for that, not many com­pa­nies can do that with­out the knowl­edge, obvi­ous­ly, and some com­pa­nies, of course, do it and do it great, but for me, that code, the actu­al writ­ing process and tech­nol­o­gy, and that’s some­thing we are developing.

It’s more than just a social media tool. We are more of a seman­tic engine. It’s not that easy to do. Any­ways, yes.

Roy:   Do you see that this, obvi­ous­ly you’ve designed this for a spe­cif­ic pur­pose from a social media per­spec­tive. Do you see your­self expand­ing the busi­ness into oth­er seg­ments or using the tech­nol­o­gy dif­fer­ent ways or just stay­ing focused on what you’re doing now?

Lior:   Yes. Con­tent rec­om­men­da­tion is a huge, huge, huge mar­ket, in gen­er­al, not nec­es­sar­i­ly in our world. It can go from when you read an arti­cle on the New York Times and on the bot­tom of the arti­cle you can see rec­om­mend­ed arti­cles for you, that’s con­tent recommendation.

The New York Times uses a tool that can tell, “Okay, this per­son liked this arti­cle, so he might like the oth­er one.”  That’s a huge mar­ket, and it is for the last few years, and it’s worked great, and amaz­ing com­pa­nies do that, but we’re tak­ing it to the social level.

We believe we can, we should seek in that area because that area has­n’t been dis­cov­ered yet, and that’s what we want to focus on. It’s con­tent dis­cov­ery for social media.

Roy:   Stay­ing very focused on this approach for this pur­pose, at this point.

Lior:   At the moment. Yes.

Roy:   How do you val­ue, how big is the mar­ket from a rev­enue basis? How big would you say the mar­ket is?

Lior:   Oh, that’s a great question.

Roy:   I mean, because you’re sell­ing a tool that’s a B2B tool. It’s not a con­sumer. It’s not a con­sumer mar­ket, it’s a B2B, which obvi­ous­ly, those mar­kets tend to be smaller.

Lior:   Right.

Roy:   What do you guys esti­mate the dol­lar val­ue of the mar­ket that you’re sell­ing into is?

Lior:   The thing is, you’re right, it’s a B2B, in that we pro­vide total solu­tions for us, and start-ups and stuff like that, but in social media, I see myself as a brand and I’m sure you see your­self as a brand. You pro­mote yourself.

You want to be bet­ter on Twit­ter and you want to have more fol­low­ers on Twit­ter, on Face­book, and if you have a Face­book page, for media jobs, you’d like to get more likes and everything.

It’s not nec­es­sar­i­ly only for brands or com­pa­nies, because every­one is active on social media and wants to be active and want to be bet­ter at it, get­ting poten­tial customers.

I said it before, I believe that more and more peo­ple and busi­ness­es will expand into the con­tent mar­ket­ing world in a year, maybe two years, from now, it will be more main stream.

It’s hard to say, exact­ly, the size of the mar­ket, but as far as I think, it will be quite big. It will be some por­tion of the old social media man­age­ment tools.

Roy:   You must have some sense of a dol­lar val­ue on this?

Lior:   It will be just, you know, a rough num­ber. You mean, in a rev­enue number?

Roy:   Well just, yes, what would the total poten­tial mar­ket for these tools, for what you’re doing?

Lior:   You can get to, and I’m just say­ing, just a num­ber, but eas­i­ly the mil­lions, eas­i­ly rev­enues, eas­i­ly, before it will real­ly destruct. In the next year or two, it can be in the sev­er­al mil­lion dol­lars of the year rev­enue, which is quite small, but that’s for now. That’s just to estab­lish the business.

Roy:   What do you think the poten­tial is?

Lior:   In the long term? It can get to, eas­i­ly to, I don’t know, dozens of millions.

Roy:   $10-$20 million?

Lior:   $20 mil­lion, $30 mil­lion, I don’t want to say a spe­cif­ic number-

Roy:   Right.

Lior:   It will be real­ly good. But, yes, that’s eas­i­ly the con­text of social media, grow­ing, I mean, it’s true it’s exist­ed for many years, but the use of it and the fact that peo­ple are pay­ing for great tools for them that helps them and saves them time or saves the mon­ey, which is one of the facets we found on Swayy, for exam­ple, and I’ll tell you later.

When peo­ple work with social media, any tool that will give them, you know, use the time they’re using, some­thing like that, they are will­ing to pay, and that’s how social media tools aren’t work­ing. It would just grow more and more, and I believe in the five years from now it will be quite big.

Roy:   Do you guys, have you guys hired any employ­ees yet?

Lior:   Yes. We have. We have hired a com­mu­ni­ty man­ag­er. That’s it for now. We’re look­ing to expand the team also for mobile. We’re look­ing for mobile devel­op­ers at this stage.

Roy:   How many peo­ple are you think­ing you’re going to be hiring?

Lior:   The near future will be two more, and grow­ing slowly.

Roy:   Have you guys raised any mon­ey at this point?

Lior:   We have, yes. We’re in the mid­dle of a seed round. We have raised founder mon­ey, and that’s it for now. We’re still raising.

Roy:   Do you have any­thing you want to share with us, how much you guys are look­ing to raise, or…?

Lior:   We’re just in the mid­dle and we’re about to close this round. It will be a few hundred.

Roy:   Thousand.

Lior:   Yes. For this test­ing round.

Roy:   Then, you’re going to be rais­ing more mon­ey down the road, I guess.

Lior:   Yes. Yes. We’ll see, but we might, yes. It depends, obvi­ous­ly, on the rev­enue then how big our goals will be, but yes, I guess you’re right.

Roy:   Now, you’re the head of mar­ket­ing. Is that correct?

Lior:   That’s true. Yes.

Roy:   What do you see your­self doing in the next three or four months with respect to get­ting vis­i­bil­i­ty for Swayy?

Lior:   Yes, that’s a great ques­tion. Mar­ket­ing for any web app or mobile app, it’s real­ly hard work, and the thing is‑, but if you think about it, Swayy is a con­tent mar­ket­ing plat­form. It helps to share con­tent, and great con­tent, and we real­ly believe in the whole cur­rent mar­ket­ing perspective.

As a com­pa­ny, and me as a per­son­nel, and also as the com­pa­ny, we’re real­ly devot­ing a lot of time on writ­ing great con­tent about any top­ic in this world and about Swayy, and we’re try­ing to put our name out there.

Right now, we work real­ly hard and we get some great men­tions of Swayy all around and you can see Swayy men­tioned in many blogs, and that’s some­thing I work dai­ly on.

We’re look­ing also for grow­ing the prod­uct, I mean, grow­ing the user base with­in the prod­uct itself, which is some­thing we’re work­ing also, in a team lev­el. Basi­cal­ly, it’s orig­i­nal con­tent mar­ket­ing and some viral growth from the prod­uct itself. That’s some­thing we’re devot­ing our time to in the near future.

Roy:   It sounds like a major social media mar­ket­ing effort.

Lior:   Right. Exact­ly. A lot of con­tent and social media mar­ket­ing, yes, that’s right.

Roy:   Where do you envi­sion, do you have any sense by the end of this cal­en­dar year where you guys will be with respect to num­ber of users?

Lior:   At the end of this year, you mean, like-

Roy:   Decem­ber of 2013.

Lior:   That’s five months from now. Yes. I could say around 50k. That will be a great suc­cess. I mean, we haven’t launched it yet, so, we’re only grow­ing by invi­ta­tions only. So it depends when we launch, but we can get to the num­bers of 40k to 50k for this year will be a great kick­off for 2014 for us.

Roy:   It sounds like you have your work cut out.

Lior:   Yes.

Roy:   I guess using your plat­form you should be able to share a lot of con­tent and get some action.

Lior:   Yes. It does help me a lot. Yes.

Roy:   Do you guys have any kind of thoughts on once you build the busi­ness up and you’re doing great what your exit strat­e­gy would be?

Lior:   There are sev­er­al direc­tions. Hon­est­ly, I can’t pick one, but there are sev­er­al direc­tions for an exit strat­e­gy. Again, I told you before, we are in the con­tent dis­cov­ery, which is, I mean, it’s a huge, huge mar­ket and unique tech­nol­o­gy is uti­lized there, and we are one of them.

We have the best tech­nol­o­gy. We do, that’s kind of dis­rup­tive to the social media world. So def­i­nite­ly, if the whole con­tent dis­cov­ery will go from pub­li­ca­tions to social media, which by the way is hap­pen­ing right, I mean, these days, so that can be an exit strat­e­gy. I mean, big con­tent and dis­cov­ery companies.

Roy:   Lior,  you real­ly pre­sent­ed some excit­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties for peo­ple to do bet­ter in their social media efforts in get­ting and shar­ing con­tent and a tool that has an enor­mous, enor­mous depth to it. Is there any­thing that I haven’t talked to you or men­tioned that you’d like to discuss?

Lior:   In gen­er­al, I just, we real­ly believe in doing stuff quick, and I men­tioned, we launched our pre­mi­um mod­el a few weeks after we just released the prod­uct, and that’s some­thing we did­n’t do before in our pre­vi­ous prod­uct, and that’s some­thing we learned and I think it’s impor­tant to share.

I mean, you should have your busi­ness mod­el in your head. You should have it, even if you don’t imple­ment it. You must have a direc­tion or know how you’re going to do it, because oth­er­wise you get stuck, and we got stuck once, and we were kind of stuck with great prod­ucts and peo­ple, thou­sands of users used it, but we could­n’t see a way to mon­e­tize it.

That’s some­thing that I think is real­ly impor­tant for start-ups to know, and not only count on the future when that’s some­thing we used to do and I believe it’s wrong, now. You should start mon­e­tiz­ing as fast as you can.

Roy:   That sounds excit­ing. How can peo­ple get a hold of you if they want to reach you?

Lior:   We are all the time online,on Twit­ter. That would prob­a­bly be the eas­i­est way. I’m @liordegani and the com­pa­ny is @getswayy.

Roy:   The web­site is S‑W-A-Y‑

Lior:   Right.

Roy:   For peo­ple who want to put an “M” on there, but there’s no “M”, .co.

Lior:   Yes. Yes. That’s the domain we use.

Roy:   Did you do that for a rea­son or you just want­ed that name and this was the domain that you could get?

Lior:   That was our name and there was no domain, so we said, “Okay, we’ll solve it later.”

Roy:   You found one. Okay.

Lior:   Yes.

Roy:   Thank you so much, Lior, for shar­ing all this great information.

Lior:   Thank you.

Roy:   I think it’s going to be excit­ing to see the prod­uct devel­oped. I signed up for it. I’m going to start shar­ing and see­ing how it goes.

Lior:   Great.

Roy:   Maybe it’ll help grow our busi­ness grow enor­mous­ly and we’ll be one of those testimonials.

Lior:   Yes. Hope­ful­ly. Yes.

Roy:   Thank you so much.

Lior:   Thank you. Thank you for hav­ing me. It was great.

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