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No more baby steps, Golfmiles needs Growth Hacker Chicago with a long swing

They are look­ing for a Senior Growth Hack­er Chica­go with expe­ri­ence lead­ing a small team from Zero to 500,000 cus­tomers in 24 months. They don’t even have a func­tion­ing web­site yet, but if the CEO isn’t try­ing to fire you on day one, you don’t have what it takes. You’ll be tasked with devel­op­ing and exe­cut­ing “growth hacks” (both short and long term) to help dri­ve new vis­i­tors to their site and con­vert­ing them to long term customers.

You’ll have a proven track record in user acqui­si­tion lever­ag­ing free or low cost chan­nels and be obsessed with gath­er­ing rel­e­vant data to help grow our cus­tomer base.  In a per­fect world you’ll also have expe­ri­ence in com­pet­i­tive intel­li­gence gath­er­ing in the loyalty/golf indus­try. The over­all goal is to do what­ev­er has to be done to gen­er­ate max­i­mum user acquisition.

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So who is the ide­al Growth Hacker?

They want you to invent new ways of mar­ket­ing Golfmiles to dri­ve new cus­tomers. You’ll be devel­op­ing and exe­cut­ing growth hack­ing mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy to dri­ve new tri­al user acqui­si­tions. Abil­i­ty to ana­lyze key fun­nel met­rics: under­stand what is work­ing and not work­ing and be able to eas­i­ly and clear­ly demon­strate best oppor­tu­ni­ty for ROI. Study mar­ket oppor­tu­ni­ties and key trends in order to dri­ve high vol­ume organ­ic traf­fic. Under­stand, study and man­age the con­ver­sion funnel.

Proven Growth Hack­ing expe­ri­ence with evi­dence of cre­at­ing ROI. Ana­lyt­ics and fore­cast­ing expe­ri­ence: evi­dence of ana­lyz­ing data such as web ana­lyt­ics to make mar­ket­ing deci­sions. Expert knowl­edge of SEO, SEM, Blog­ging, Email Mar­ket­ing, Refer­ral Mar­ket­ing and Social Mar­ket­ing. Be able to work fast with a detail-ori­ent­ed and results focused approach. Abil­i­ty to lead the team and also roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty day to day; lead by exam­ple. Strong com­mu­ni­ca­tor — demon­strat­ed under­stand­ing that shar­ing infor­ma­tion and knowl­edge is crit­i­cal for success.

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Here’s what Golfmiles has to say about the ser­vice they offer: is an online com­mu­ni­ty giv­ing golfers of all lev­els the oppor­tu­ni­ty to pur­chase qual­i­ty golf expe­ri­ences from some of the top cours­es in Ire­land. So whether you’re a keen golfer, a begin­ner get­ting to grips with the game, or a par­ent inter­est­ed in a fam­i­ly day out at a golf club, the golf expe­ri­ences pre­sent­ed to you as a reg­is­tered user of will be tai­lored specif­i­cal­ly to your per­son­al golf profile.

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