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Delve into the minds of others while being Datalogix’s Consumer Insights Manager

How would you make a dif­fer­ence as Datalogix’s Con­sumer Insights Man­ag­er? They got start­ed in the offline, trans­ac­tion­al-data world. So they know bet­ter than any­one the pow­er this infor­ma­tion has in deliv­er­ing mean­ing­ful results for mar­keters: the abil­i­ty to tar­get, to mea­sure, and to opti­mize performance.

As a com­pa­ny, they made it their mis­sion to lever­age the pow­er of pur­chase-based audi­ence tar­get­ing to dri­ve mea­sur­able online and offline sales. As a result, they have the abil­i­ty to bring real tar­get­ing and account­abil­i­ty into the dig­i­tal space like nev­er before. Their data includes 90% of U.S. house­hold and more than $2 tril­lion in con­sumer-lev­el pur­chase data. Nobody is bet­ter posi­tioned to deliv­er the right mes­sage to the right audi­ence across dig­i­tal, video, social, email, mobile and site.

Real Audi­ences. Real Results. As a Shop­per Intel­li­gence Onsite Ana­lyst (CPG) in one of the fastest-grow­ing divi­sions of our com­pa­ny, you will help CPG brand man­agers, cat­e­go­ry man­agers, shop­per insights, and mar­ket­ing research pro­fes­sion­als unlock growth oppor­tu­ni­ties for their brands by help­ing them bet­ter under­stand their busi­ness­es through the eyes of their most impor­tant con­stituent group — the shopper.

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Who is the ide­al Con­sumer Insight Man­ag­er for Datalogix?

You would be a key part of your client’s busi­ness intel­li­gence team by under­stand­ing a client’s busi­ness issues and assist­ing to devel­op solu­tions that dri­ve action­able shop­per insights for your client. You will be a key liai­son with your client help­ing them real­ize the most val­ue from our Shop­per Intel­li­gence Plat­form. Be respon­si­ble for meet­ing with your client con­tacts onsite, under­stand­ing their cur­rent busi­ness chal­lenges and then putting togeth­er syn­di­cat­ed shop­per loy­al­ty card data analy­ses to address their busi­ness ques­tions. Once out­lined you will access the Shop­per Intel­li­gence Plat­form to assem­ble the need­ed data to then put togeth­er a fact-based pre­sen­ta­tion that you will share back with your client contacts.

Dri­ving Shop­per Intel­li­gence Plat­form val­ue for client. This includes func­tion­al­i­ty train­ing, busi­ness appli­ca­tion train­ing (how to apply the data), and Pow­er Point pre­sen­ta­tion devel­op­ment from Plat­form data extracts. Be proac­tive in seek­ing out client busi­ness ques­tions to ana­lyze – the most suc­cess­ful can­di­dates are true evan­ge­list for Datalogix’s Shop­per Intel­li­gence infor­ma­tion. Devel­op a detailed knowl­edge of DLX prod­ucts and ser­vices and how they can be applied to a sup­port a client’s mar­ket­ing and insights objectives.

Under­stand­ing assigned clients’ busi­ness and brands in order to devel­op ana­lyt­ic rec­om­men­da­tions that take into account the specifics of each client’s busi­ness. Being proac­tive here is a must! Meet­ing client’s over­all needs by being a great com­mu­ni­ca­tor, by set­ting and deliv­er­ing against client expec­ta­tions, and by “push­ing back” diplo­mat­i­cal­ly when oth­er com­pet­ing client pri­or­i­ties exist. Being a key inter­face between client and DSI Ana­lyt­ics and IT to coor­di­nate all client deliv­er­ables and ana­lyt­ic projects ensur­ing on-time deliv­ery, deliv­ery of the fol­low-ups, and ensur­ing client satisfaction.

Do you have 5+ years expe­ri­ence work­ing with CPG Brands, Cat­e­go­ry Man­age­ment, Sales, Shop­per Insights, or Shop­per Mar­ket­ing prefer­ably in an “Insights focused” role.  Strong under­stand­ing of data-dri­ven analy­sis espe­cial­ly Con­sumer Pan­el and / or Shop­per Loy­al­ty Card data analy­sis. Expe­ri­ence with IRI, Nielsen, dunn hum­by or oth­er data-dri­ven tools and solu­tions a big plus. Abil­i­ty to extract data and cre­ate a basic analy­sis of the data in Pow­er Point includ­ing the devel­op­ment of find­ings, client busi­ness impli­ca­tions, and action­able rec­om­men­da­tions that tie direct­ly to a client’s busi­ness issues. Demon­strat­ed abil­i­ty to self-moti­vate, work in teams and be flex­i­ble with­in a fast-paced and chang­ing envi­ron­ment. Advanced under­stand­ing of Excel, Pow­er Point, and Word.

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What does Dat­a­logix has to say about the ser­vices they offer? 

Are you ready to take a lead­ing role with one of the most inno­v­a­tive and excit­ing tech­nol­o­gy com­pa­nies that is trans­form­ing the mar­ket­ing world?

While adver­tis­ing and media con­tin­ue to grow dig­i­tal­ly and rev­o­lu­tion­ize mar­ket­ing “online”, 93% of all con­sumer spend­ing is still hap­pen­ing “offline”. Mar­keters want to find buy­ers of their prod­ucts — not just “click­ers”. Dat­a­logix is lever­ag­ing the pow­er of big data, tech­nol­o­gy and pre­dic­tive ana­lyt­ics to fuse offline sales with dig­i­tal media. By help­ing mar­keters build, reach and mea­sure pur­chase-based audi­ences, Dat­a­logix serves as core mar­ket­ing infra­struc­ture for a data-dri­ven world.

Even in the face of our sus­tained growth we’ve man­aged to pre­serve the ener­gy, cre­ativ­i­ty, nim­ble­ness, indi­vid­ual empow­er­ment and fun of an emerg­ing com­pa­ny. We’re Col­orado based and have offices in NYC, Boston, Chica­go, San Fran­cis­co, Detroit and London.

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