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Ad server OpenX takes a big step toward mobile advertising

Most pro­fes­sion­als hold­ing media jobs in mobile adver­tis­ing agen­cies like to keep an eye on any straws in the wind in their cor­ner of Adland; and one rather large straw – ad-inde­pen­­dent ad serv­er OpenX – has just tak­en a sig­nif­i­cant step to beef up

Swiping — the move which could revolutionize mobile advertising

Any­one with any expe­ri­ence of media jobs in mobile adver­tis­ing agen­cies can con­firm the exis­tence of a stub­born dif­fi­cul­ty in this cor­ner of Adland: mobile adver­tis­ing spend might be ris­ing rapid­ly, but gar­ner­ing met­rics to assess its effi­ca­cy is an exceed­ing­ly tricky busi­ness. But one