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Are you NUTS not having the Acorns App on your phone, Spare Change to the Rescue!

What dig­i­tal invest­ment app is mak­ing some noise right now? Acorns is, doing it by allow­ing you to sit back and save mon­ey. Oh how sweet retire­ment sounds now huh? So this com­pa­ny trans­fers minis­cule sums from your check­ing, sav­ings, to an invest­ment account through auto­mat­ic trans­fers. They aim­ing this prod­uct to the under 35 crowd because let’s face it, they have absolute­ly very lit­tle dis­ci­pline in the sav­ing department.

Since their launch in August of last year Acorns has about 250,000 active users. Acorn being con­sid­ered one of the best designed invest­ment app, they’ve man­aged to recent­ly acquire $10.5 mil­lion in cap­i­tal on top of a pre­vi­ous­ly raised $9 mil­lion. In order to use Acorns a per­son links their deb­it or cred­it card to the app which auto­mat­i­cal­ly rounds every pur­chase to the near­est dol­lar. Then the mon­ey is invest­ed in a port­fo­lio of what­ev­er you choose. It is very sim­i­lar to Bank of America’s ‘Keep the Change’ pro­gram, except with Acorn you’re doing some­thing with those funds. The com­pa­ny says it lets you “invest spare change auto­mat­i­cal­ly from every­day pur­chas­es into a diver­si­fied portfolio.”

If you’re like me and use cred­it cards for prac­ti­cal­ly all of your pur­chas­es, round­ing up those trans­ac­tions can add up quick­ly. So if you buy a sand­wich at the deli for $6.25, 75 cents gets auto­mat­i­cal­ly moved to your Acorns account. Jeff Crut­ten­den, Co-founder, says the aver­age user saves $55 a month from roundups. The user has the option of set­ting a recur­ring deposit or trans­fer­ring funds man­u­al­ly. The change gets invest­ed in ETF’s or exchange-trad­ed funds. “We want­ed to cre­ate some­thing that’s real­ly easy to start invest­ing,” says Cruttenden

The app has very com­pre­hen­sive, yet easy to use graphs that can show how much mon­ey you can make. So an exam­ple is if you were to deposit $55 a month into an aggres­sive port­fo­lio you could end up with $10,438 after a 10 year peri­od. Acorns charges $1 a month for accounts under $5,000. For accounts over that amount, it charges 0.25 per­cent a year, which comes to about $2.08 a month for a bal­ance of $10,000. Plus there are no fees for with­draw­ing mon­ey, and no min­i­mums. Accounts are insured by the Secu­ri­ties Investor Pro­tec­tion Corp.

So with know­ing Acorns just picked that new $10 mil­lion and change in fund­ing, they have got to be hir­ing some peo­ple. Get your resumes sharp­ened and start send­ing them to these folks, seems like this isn’t a fluky thing. They are bound to get big­ger and bigger.

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